Health & Safety Policy

This document is a statement of aims, principles and procedures for ensuring Health and Safety at Little Bera’s Parent & Toddler Group. It provides a framework for the creation of a safe environment in which to work and play. Health and safety is primarily the responsibility of the parent/carer.


To provide adequate control of health and safety risks from the groups activities To provide and maintain safe equipment To prevent accidents to adults and children To maintain a safe and healthy group environment

Ensuring their children attend in good health.
Accept responsibility for the conduct of their children at all times.
Ensure the group has an up-to-date contact address and phone numbers in the event of an emergency.
Parents/carers will be present throughout the session and remain responsible for the children they bring with them.
Ensure all children are accompanied to the toilet. Any arrangements to take children other than one’s own should be agreed with the parent/carer Parents can make their own private arrangements to take each other’s children to the toilets or keep an eye on the children while one parent is busy. Parents should be aware that it is their own responsibility to ensure that such arrangements are satisfactory
Groups should ensure that babies and crawlers are neither harmed nor over-restricted by play activities and equipment which are provided for older children
Children should be adequately supervised at all times. Some potentially hazardous activities, such as water play, should be provided only if parents or other responsible adults ensure constant supervision
Sleeping babies should not be left unattended outside the premises, or out of sight of the group.
A suitable space should be found where parents can watch sleeping children
Children should not have access to any outside play area unless accompanied by an adult
Children should still be adequately supervised while their parents are talking or participating in adult activities. Groups which provide additional adult activities must ensure the safety of the children
Groups should take extra care about safety for children with special or additional needs and learning difficulties.

Although parents remain responsible for their own children, every adult within the group should be safety conscious. Everyone should be encouraged to prevent accidents and remove any hazards.

Fire Safety

Everyone must sign the attendance register at the beginning of the session (including any visitors). This becomes the role call in the event of an evacuation and is essential. If you leave early and even if you intend to return during that session, please put a tick by your name in the book so that it is clear you have left the premises.

First Aid Policy

Any child who is hurt during the session should be reunited as soon as possible with his/her parent. If first aid is necessary the parent should be consulted about any treatment
All accidents and any treatment administered are recorded in an accident book.